Saturday, March 14, 2009

I chose this design for FTC because I think that skaters love for skating is deeper than it appears to be. Therefore, the skate board is wrapped around the heart. The heart ventricles are blue as well as the veins and the heart is red. 

summer madness

"Summer Madness" was inspired by the song composed by Kool and The Gang. I liked the concept because it connects with music and makes you feel good. If you know the song, you'll probably connect with the meaning more.
I also like the idea because summer time is coming up, and everybody loves the summer.
& I had to put SFTC* in it because I have to incorporate my other inspirations, such as this beautiful city, and the company FTC.
I want to get the writing down better, get the patterns tighter and really make it look clean.

Thanks Stephanie and Graham

Self Destrucion

I'm Matthew and my T-Shirt design is based on the idea that our actions as humans will eventually backfire and cause the destructive downfall of the human race and the world. In the final version of the t-shirt I plan to fill the gun through the use of font with various environmental and economical issues which we face in our daily lives.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

challenges and successes

my challenge was that I wasn't focusing on my topic. I would get off topic. But my success was that I went crazy in 415. I have an idea of how I am going to show how 415 in unique.