Saturday, April 18, 2009

Un-edited Final Human Self Destruction

This is the design that I presented to TRUE. There will be some revisions later on.

Final Design

"Summer Maddness" 
FTC 2009

Here is the design I posted. I still need to make some adjustments.

Almost Final Design

Here is my almost final design. I will be touching up the font type.


When I was presenting my t-shirt idea to TRUE, I knew what my basic idea that I wanted to describe was, but I wasn't sure how I was going to get my concept from my mind out and on paper. Initially, I was very worried about how I would get the people at TRUE to visualize my idea because all that I had to show was the outline of my design and I felt that I had to paint a picture in their minds.

experience presenting

When I presented 2 weeks ago, i felt confident before presenting.
My experience at TRUE was some in the range of excitement and nervousness. I am always nervous before some kind of some presentation. Other than that I had plenty of fun talking about my designs and watching my peers present their designs as well.
My experience at true felt really cool. i never had a bunch of people listen to my idea and agree with some of our concepts. i felt like they were really impressed with what we did. I liked it so much that ima keep designing, even if i don't give my designs to stores.

When we were presenting our designs, I was a bit nervous because I didn’t feel completely ready. I thought I did okay. I got my messages across, which was the most important thing. For future presentations, I’ll be more prepared and less nervous. I think everyone is on edge about who will be chosen, but I appreciate this experience and will not soon forget it.

During my time in this class, I have learned a lot about the world of making and distributing t-shirts. I learned about the time and patience that goes into it, why it’s important to be passionate about your ideas and having a meaning. I have had the most fun doing this and learning more things about the business. I'm glad to be apart of this.

I think this experiance of presenting our ideas in front of people who make up their store. The ideas that they have created, also the empire that they have created. It was fun presenting in front of everyone.